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NTSC-J Mouryou Senki Madara 2
Mouryou Senki Madara 2
Composer: Masanori Adachi, Tappi Iwase
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Released: Friday, 16 July 1999
Dumper: Asuka Rangray, KungFuFurby
Tagger: Datschge, Hally, Eien Ni Hen

Project mdr2 version 1.03 released on 2009-11-07, 59 tracks, 197kb, downloaded 4175 times

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This game is a lonewolf.


01aDark Awakening (part 1)00:08
01bDark Awakening (part 2)01:10
02aEarly Birds01:05
02bTubular Bells ~ For Whom the Bell Tolls00:11
03Fiction of Meta Fiction02:26
04The Gods Are Thirsty02:42
05Fascinating Plays With Incarnation03:50
06Wild Dance of Fear02:16
07The Devil's Sneer00:04
08Brag-Rags for Brave Men00:21
09Rotten Tenacity01:04
10The Goddess' Revelation ~ A Century of Exhaustion02:48
11The Hunter's Repose02:10
12Madara 2 Theme02:28
13Warm Rain ~ Warmer Than Your Back01:52
14Heretic Fortress02:21
15The Day of the Return to the Sea00:09
16Lady's Lover00:42
17Far-Away Family01:55
18Must We Witness Murder?01:44
19Boucus Porcus01:17
20On the Other Side of the Whispering Wall00:32
21The Dictator's Solitude01:44
22Martial Law ~ The Night Without Children02:46
23The Trap and the Observatory02:42
24In a Sudden Wind02:38
25The Altered Altar00:48
26Terrifying Reward00:08
27Reflowing of Deadly Poison02:14
28The Earth is Angry01:56
29Old Man Who Sells Legends01:28
30Karamazov's Mythology02:19
31Waveless Sea00:56
32Steel Skeleton03:00
33Enfant Terrible Rabbit01:43
34Elegy of the Golden Country02:36
35Open Sesame ~ I Don't Know What's Behind the Door ~ Autumn is Ending ~ Two People Sleeping Under the Stars02:02
36Vagrant's Song01:32
37Homesick ~ Her Beloved Flowers03:12
38Wages of Sin02:52
39Rambling Assassin ~ Kiss of the Spider Woman01:53
40Silent Scream02:18
41Torture Sanctuary01:58
42The Wandering Sculptures01:14
43Maze of Flowers01:42
44Quarter Moon00:10
45Bells and Breeze ~ Blow the Wind00:28
46Menace in the Temple01:42
47To Pandemonium02:48
48Triumphal Return of the Beast02:38
49Breath of Life ~ The Dark Side of the Madara00:42
50A Short Ensemble ~ The Sky's Blueness, Tears, and You02:31
51The Final Movement ~ A Brilliant Funeral Procession03:13
b01Unreleased Track01:43
s03Water Cave00:26
s04Wind and Thunder00:24
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